What Are The Attitude Scale?

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For my Communications course at Old Dominion University entitled “Persuasion”, we recently reviewed the three different attitude scales. Each of the scales can and should be used in the proper way depending upon what the situation may be. In general, attitudes help us to predict, explain and modify behavior. To better understand the attitude scales; one must first understand the theory and meanings behind the actual term attitude and how attitudes are helpful to the study of Persuasion. First, Attitudes reflect predispositions to react to things in anticipated ways; they are learned. Attitudes gives individuals a mental format that aides their demeanor. A second feature, of attitudes is that they symbolize satisfactory or disapproving evaluations of things. Evaluative dimension is possibly the most fundamental component in attitudes (Dillard, 1993), it offers insight into a person. Using the Evaluative Dimension, we are able learn what they like and dislike or modify or change our own behavior to persuade that person. The third feature is that attitudes are constantly focused toward an …show more content…

This scale might be easier for people to express their perspective, attitudes or feelings. This scale is often used in hospitals when it comes to pain. The problem is pain is subjective so my pain level of 5 may be equivalent to someone else pain level of 2. Even if it is subjective the person treating the patient will get a better understanding of how they may need to communicate or what preseizure they may need to use. Another example, of a visual oriented scale is much like the image represented in the happy face scale picture. It is a scale represented in pictures so people taking the scale can easily pick a 1, 2 or 5 depending on how they are feeling, there is no reading involved which would make people who do not have strong reading skills more

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