Attention Deficit Disorder

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Attention Deficit Disorder

Attention Deficit Disorder, or ADD, and Attention Deficit

Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, are medical, not behavioral,

disorders that are often associated together and thought of as

ADD/ADHD. Attention Deficit Disorder causes people to be very

inattentive and easily distracted. People who have Attention Deficit

Hyperactivity Disorder generally have the same symptoms as those with

ADD and are also very hyper and impulsive. There have been many

speculations on the validity of this disorder. Many people believe

that this disorder is an excuse or a cop-out for undisciplined

children. ADD/ADHD, however, has been studied for many years by

professionals through observation and modern brain imaging technology,

and is completely accepted by both the medical and legal fields.

Attention Deficit Disorder is thought to be caused by a chemical

problem in the brain. The front part of the brain, right behind the

forehead, is said to be the part of the brain that helps you pay

attention, organize things, and control impulsive behavior. Many

scientists believe that people with ADD/ADHD, the front part of the

brain is not able to use the brain signals, also called

neurotransmitters, properly. The front part of the brain, however, has

very little to do with intelligence, and therefore people with

ADD/ADHD are not affected in this area. (Morrison, 1996)

There are many symptoms that can be associated with ADD. Some of these

are difficulty listening and paying attention, being easily

distracted, avoidance of activities that require much effort, and a

tendency to lose things, or forget things needed in daily activities.


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...atever they desire. The child diagnosed correctly, will

surely find that all they thought was negative in their behavior will,

in the long run, help them discover how to be the best person that

they can be.


Dendy, Chris. Teenagers with ADD: A Parent's Guide. Bethesda, MD:

Woodbine House, 1995.

Hartman, Thom. Think Fast! The ADD Experience. Grass Valley, CA:

Underwood Books, 1995.

Morrison, Jaydene. Coping with ADD/ADHD. New York: Rosen Publishing

Group, 1996.

Weiss, Lynn, Ph.D. Give your ADD Teen a Chance: A Guide for Parents of

Teenagers with Attention Deficit Disorder. Colorado Springs, CO: Pinon

Press, 1996.

Zimmerman, Marcia, C.N. The ADD Nutrition Solution. New York, NY:

Henry Holt and Co., 1999.

NIH Publication No. 96-3572, Printed 1994, Reprinted 1996. Booklet.


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