Atmospheric Cycle Essay

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¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬The Earth is a large and mysterious planet that we are just beginning to understand. There are many cycles and forces that go hand in hand in creating different environments on Earth. In this essay we will go over the five major cycles, the Atmosphere, Sun, Water/Ocean, Wind, and Earth cycles. We will also go over how the cycles interact and work together to form one of the most bio diverse planets in our galaxy. The Atmospheric Cycle is focused mainly on the atmosphere, the chemicals in it, and how it affects the climate/weather. The atmosphere itself contains many gases that are important to living being on Earth. Some of them are gases that help the environment and humans, while other gases damage our environment and do not benefit humans. Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and Chlorofluorocarbon are gases that are harmful to the environment. These gases are also known as greenhouse gases because they trap the heat inside the Earth and speed up global warming. Methane and Chlorofluorocarbon are the most harmful to Earth as they damage the ozone layer and speed up global warming very efficiently. Carbon Dioxide is not that harmful as plants have the ability to get rid of it and is necessary to life on Earth. But, excess amounts of it can engage the greenhouse effect and speed up global warming. To this date there are 720 gigatons of carbon in the atmosphere. This is a lot more than the normal amount of carbon dioxide on Earth and this is speeding up global warming. Carbon Dioxide is also involved in the carbon cycle, which is responsible for moving carbon through the environment and through the atmosphere. The first step of the carbon cycle is when carbon is recycled into the environments through photosynthesis and plants. ... ... middle of paper ... ...with warm currents or have a general amount of warm water, are more likely to be struck by tropical storms. There is another way that the ocean can change the environment is when tsunamis occur. These large waves move through the ocean and strike the land, but unlike normal waves that recede when they strike land, tsunamis continue miles inland. The ocean cycle is also responsible for the movement of nutrients through the environment. When tides move through the ocean they pull up nutrients that are located at the seafloor. Those nutrients then are moved with currents throughout the world. This is how the Ocean Cycle plays a role in the environment and Earth. The Earth Cycle also plays an important role in Earth and our environment. The Earth Cycle plays an important role in natural disasters, geological processes, and the transfer of nutrients. The transfer of

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