Assurance Of Salvation Essay

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For any Christian, one of the most important questions a person can ever answer is, “How does a Believer know that they are for sure a Christian?” All Believers needs to have the assurance of their salvation. Finding the answer to this question brings confidence and contentment to the Believer’s life. Sadly, many people live their lives never really having an answer to this question. However, the Word of God is the starting point to find this assurance.
The assurance that will be discussed in this paper is an assurance found in the faith of the regenerated life. Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible defines “assurance” as, “Certainty or confidence about one’s beliefs or actions.” J. I. Packer defines “assurance” as “divinely given.” Assurance is …show more content…

In Romans 10:9 Paul says, “Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Salvation is the promise of God for those who receive Christ. Again, in Romans 5:1 Paul speaks of a peace that comes with assurance when he says, “Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
There are many views of the assurance of salvation. Most current denominational systems are based on one of these views of salvation. This research will only look at three of the most popularly held views.
Catholicism teaches that assurance of salvation is not possible. Noted Professor Karl Barth at one point in his theology was very outspoken on this topic. Barth completely denounced the possibility of assurance of salvation. David Martyn Lloyd-Jones writes, “Barth dislikes experience altogether and his whole view is that you really can be certain of none of these things, and, moreover, that all our attempts at expression of our faith are, of necessity, wrong and fallacious.” Although Barth eventually drifted away from this view the Catholic Church holds it to this …show more content…

J. Hampton Keathley III summarizes Charles Bell as saying, “John Calvin emphatically warned against looking to ourselves, that is, to our works or the fruit of the Spirit, for certainty of our salvation. He taught that we should look to Christ as the objective basis for assurance. To look to ourselves produces doubt and detracts from the saving work of Christ. He rejected the exhortation to self-examination as a dangerous dogma.” Calvin finds his assurance in scriptures alone and not on any achievements or experiences of

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