Assessment of Three Government Policies Measures to Increase Labour Mobility

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Assessment of Three Government Policies Measures to Increase Labour Mobility

Labour mobility refers to the freedom of workers to practice their

occupation wherever opportunities exist. This may mean changing

occupation (occupational mobility) or moving to work in another area

(geographical mobility). A lack of mobility is identified as a cause

of structural unemployment. This is where mismatches occur and

unemployed workers are unable or unwilling to fill existing vacancies

due to the skills shortages- occupational immobility or shortages in

particular areas-geographical mobility

Governments use various measures to improve mobility .In the UK these

include the New Deal, job centres and affordable housing schemes in

certain areas of the country.

The New Deal is a key part of the government's strategy to get people

back to work. It gives people on benefits the help and support they

need to look for work including training and job preparation. It also

gives the unemployed the opportunity to develop the skills and

experience that employers want so they can find lasting, worthwhile

jobs. At the same time, New Deal aims to improve the overall skills

base of the British workforce and provide help to employers whose

businesses are suffering from staff shortages. Participants can

receive intensive advice, counseling and guidance to help them find

employment or can choose from four options:

1) Subsidised employment, 2) full time education and training, 3)

voluntary work 4) Working for the government's environmental task


Failure to accept one of these options or paid employment can result

in the withdrawal of part of the...

... middle of paper ... areas.

Full employment is a key factor in the economic development of a

country as it helps to increase the standard of living for its people.

Labour mobility both occupationally and geographically will go a long

way to help achieve this.

In conclusion, I believe that the New Deal has been the most

successful method of improving occupational mobility because it has

helped people develop skills which can be used in industries where

workers are needed. However a weakness of this is that not all the

skills taught are relevant and there are still some areas where there

is a skills deficiency. On the other hand the best method of tackling

geographical immobility is the building of houses and giving benefits

to doctors, nurses etc because it gives them an incentive to move to

areas where their skills are needed.

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