Technology And Technology: The Impact Of Artificial Intelligence

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Since the invention of the computer, humans have greatly improved most if not all aspects of life. Today, they look and perform much differently than computers from the past couple decades. This change constituted an exponential improvement in raw performance. They are produced in many different forms as well, with some being able to fit comfortably in your pocket and others filling an entire room. The processing power of these computers is so great that they can run through millions of data in seconds. This is why computers are incredible at storing, organizing, fetching, and manipulating massive amounts of data. This power is used to by people for both good or malicious intentions. It benefits people around the world whether rich or poor through its use in science, medicine, economics, entertainment, and many other important fields. On the other hand, computers are also used to do harm like identity theft and hacking. …show more content…

This phenomenon is called machine learning. Machine learning helps achieve a more complicated goal known as artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence was first conceived back in the 1950s and was in its most basic form. The use of decision trees and other simple algorithms were used then and still to this day to solve problems. Although today, computers are much more intelligent and can make decisions faster and on a larger

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