Nutrition And Unhealthy Food

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In an essay titled “Concerning Spiritualism and Materialism”, Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach wrote: “Der Mensch ist, was er ißt." This translates into English as “man is what he eats” (You Are What 1). When it comes down to it, this quote is true. Having outstanding nutrition will determine how one’s body functions and how they feel mentally and physically. As for me, when I eat poorly, I feel like I have cheated myself and threw my daily workout out the window. This could be a mental thing, considering I am still young and I am not going to gain weight after one bad meal. I do, however, gain a sense of disappointment because I know I could have avoided fueling my body with unhealthy food. One can relate their body to a car; it needs the right fuel, …show more content…

Maintaining a healthy diet has many positives that go along with it. Like me, when I eat healthy, I feel more energized and more motivated to accomplish everyday tasks. Though feeling fit and motivated is important, for some, the main concern is their appearance, which is normal; but they do not understand that nutrition is the main contributor to weight lose. By eating clean, one will become the desired shape they strive for. As gym owner and personal trainer, Joe Howard, says, “Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym.” This goes to show that even if one goes to the gym and pushes themselves to the limit, they will not end up with their desired figure if they do not eat healthy. Other than appearance, there are many positives that come from eating healthy. In an article about why proper nutrition is important, Case Western University lists many positives such as; the delay of aging, boosting of the immune system, limit tiredness and fatigue, and even enhance one’s ability to concentrate and alter mood (Why is Proper 1). These are just some of the rewards from eating clean. In order to maintain these benefits, it is important to understand what to fuel one’s body with and the reasoning behind …show more content…

There are, however, some easy guidelines to follow to ensure one will stay on a healthy track. What can I eat and what can I not eat? First, cut out all fats from fatty foods, fried foods, butter, cream, and oils. Saturated fat cut down is important in order to have a healthy heart. Keeping carbohydrates in one’s diet is essential. Carbohydrates are the sugars, starches, and fibers found in fruits, grains, vegetables, and milk products. Good carbohydrates are; sweet potatoes, brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat pasta/bread, beans, etc. Carbohydrates are one of the three food groups that are essential in every meal. The next essential food group is protein. Protein is designed to repair skin, hair, nails, but most importantly, gain muscle! Some lean meats include; tuna, ground beef, ground turkey, grilled chicken breast, crab, shrimp, and more. Though eggs are not a meat, egg whites are an excellent source of protein. The last important food group to include in every meal is fat. Yes, fat! It may sound crazy, but fats actually drive our anabolic hormones and allow us to gain muscle and lose fat. Though people think of cake and candy bars when they think of fats, but there are some healthy fats, such as; avocados, almonds, olive oil, and natural peanut butter. Joe Howard in the “90 Day Ripped Body Challenge,” explains the importance of understanding nutrition. Howard

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