Article Review: Farm Business Management: The Human Factor

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Nuthall, P. (2009). Farm Business Management : The Human Factor. Wallingford, GB: CAB International. Retrieved from

This book is titled Farm Business Management: The human factor and has information that is useful for management in not only farms, but also all places of work. This book covers many broad areas of management from its origins to ways of improving management. According to the book essentially anyone can become a manager but that does not mean that they will be good at it. A good manager is one that has experience in field and a broad range of information about what they are managing. From the Introduction the book goes into more detail about skills required for an effective manager like the ability to observe what is going on, negotiation skills, interpersonal skills, risk management and the ability to simplify situations. Towards the end of the book there are methods for improving your ability to …show more content…

(2014, Jun 18). The Pioneer Retrieved from
This article discusses how members of the armed forces make for great CEO’s and Managers. Most of the officers that are in the service retire before if not well before the age of fifty. This early retirement means that they still have plenty of good working years left. The article makes the point that although their knowledge is mostly of working in the armed forces they still have attributes that are needed by managers but hard to teach. The attributes possessed by these men and women are confidence, organizational skills, teamwork and motivations, all of which make for good productive managers in business. The article then talks about how officers have one of the best qualities that any manager/leader can have, the ability to motive. They have experience in being in control of a group and motiving them to do what may seam impossible at the

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