Art in Society

727 Words2 Pages

Without art, the world would be a vast empty void of uncreative, unimaginative, non-colourful, bland society; Toast with no butter or topping; boring, life-draining death of the mind. Art is absolutely everywhere in everyday society, yet goes almost unnoticed and unappreciated by some; television, movies, music, stories, billboards, ads, even clothes and jewellery. These are all symbols of art or art in there own right, and without the Arts, there would be none of this. Art has created all these things that go unappreciated, has changed all the unimaginative, has manipulated the place we live into a more beautiful and wonderful place to live. And without support, of all the Arts, then society as a whole will die a little every time art is lost.

The Arts is a study in to creativity of people and culture as a whole, taken on by the artist. Without support for the artist, there would be no continuation of the Arts, and art as a whole. Haviland writes: "art is the creative use of the human imagination to interpret, understand, and enjoy life" (1990, p.383). Art is an intrinsic part of society; stories we tell, myths, legends, folk lore, paintings, even the way we speak can be seen as art. Dating back to even the Palaeolithic days, art was used to tell a story, paintings on rock walls of battles, stories of animals and there surroundings. Feder writes "In there paintings, produced from 31000 years ago to 10000 years ago, the artists of upper Palaeolithic hive willed us to evocative images of their natural surroundings and, at the same time, whispered to us of their intellectual world" (1996, p.219). Art tells us who they were and what they did for survival, for entertainment, for religion; everything is linked to art and t...

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Haviland, WA 1990, `The Arts', Cultural anthropology, 6th edition, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Fort Worth

Feder, KL 1996, The Past and Perspective: an introduction to human prehistory, 2nd edition, Mayfield publishing company, USA

Lawrence, J 2002, Art in Society,, date accessed: 17/9/2004

Rowlands, L 2004, What is Arts? An answer,, date accessed: 17/9/2004

Australian Arts Council, 2004, Who and Why We Are: Corporate Plan 2001-05,, date accessed: 17/9/2004

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