Aristotle's Essence

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In his Metaphysics, Aristotle defines essence as “what the thing is said to be in its own right” without qualification (1029b14). Essence includes the fundamental or necessary properties of a substance, the properties that if taken away would cause the substance to cease existing as that substance. Essence also ignores accidents whose existence is contingent upon a primary substance. Essence is found in a species (secondary substance) and is not indicative of particular referents of that species (primary substance). In order for a thing to qualify as being part of a certain species, its qualities must meet the definition or criteria of this species; these qualities are its essence. Essence is the most fundamental quality of a substance that …show more content…

Essence is not all of what a particular thing is in its own right. A thing has many additional features and characteristics that are not the thing’s essence. The essence is a substance stripped of its accidental features, those characteristics that distinguish a particular from another particular. An essence corresponds to a species, not to the particular substances within the species. For example, a brown table is not a brown table essentially. A brown table is a table essentially, because if you took away the quality of brown it would still be a table. You cannot take away the quality of table and still have a table. We look to the species for essence because individual primary substances tend to contain accidents that tell us nothing about what the substances actually are. A pale man would not cease to be human if he were stripped of his paleness, yet the man would cease to be human if he were stripped of his rationality. The rationality of man is what categorizes him into the species of human, not the color of his skin. Being pale adds nothing and takes away nothing to the man’s existence essentially. His existence as a man does not rest on his paleness. Basically, all particular substances contain both essential and non-essential qualities, while a species as a whole contains only the essential …show more content…

Basically, the essence can’t be contingent upon the existence of something external to the essence. Nothing else has to exist in order for the essence to exist. This is unlike accidents, whose existence is dependent on something else. All that is essence exists independently from any accidents or qualities besides the most fundamental distinctive feature. In addition, essence is inherent in the object, and essence exists on its own apart from anything else. For example, an essence cannot be “having a beard” because beards do not exist in themselves, but only on a man’s face. The beard cannot exist without the primary substance – the person – that the beard

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