Arguments Against Capital Punishment In The United States

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In the United States, there are various controversial topics involving our government and how we decide, as a nation, to penalize criminals. One of these issues is capital punishment- legally terminating one’s life as a punishment for a crime. The act of killing people for crimes they committed was quite popular 70 years ago, however, in today’s modern society, it has become a rare occurrence and a touchy route of reprimand. A major concern of capital punishment is the chance we could be murdering innocent people due to evidence and court mistakes resulting in faulty charges however our advanced technology can provide significant evidence ensuring the guiltiness of those persecuted. I am also completely for capital punishment because some actions are worthy of the consequence and in current trials, it seems as if the criminals charged are receiving more sympathy than the actual victims.
Within the state and federal prisons, criminals …show more content…

I support capital punishment because some crimes are worth the consequence of execution. Acts of child molestation, cruel murder, stealing someone’s life away within years of captivity, and terrorists contaminating the U.S. shouldn’t continue living after such inhumane crimes. Jail is still a life, in which includes food, shelter, and often companionship. The victims receive less sympathy than the actual criminals in which usually includes only money to fill the void of destruction. They deserve closure. Lastly, many argue innocent people could be sentenced to death due to court or forensic mistakes. However, these mistakes are incredibly unlikely as both parties are very thorough in conducting both evidence and trial information. In conclusion with both the facts and opinions I have stated, I am for capital punishment as a sustainable solution for horrific

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