Argumentative Essay On Mercy Killing

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Mercy killings have occurred numerous times throughout history. There have been many that were beneficial to human life. There have also been many done in vain, or pure hate. Mercy killings, as well as assisted suicide, is 100 percent beneficial under certain circumstances. Though a controversial topic, mercy killing is an easy way out of pain, and is a favorable choice at times.
The first opposition to mercy killings was the Hippocratic oath which stated “I will not administer poison to anyone when asked to do so, nor suggest such a course”(Hippocratic). The Hippocratic oath was written by a Greek doctor who believed doctors must stay away from killing, only to be devoted to healing. The oath was an ethical foundation and guide for medical practice. Many physicians signed this oath up until the 20th century. This oath keeps physicians from helping persons in immense pain, from ending said pain (Hippocratic).
The first notable mercy killings come from the Greek era. The word has become associated with mercy killings, euthanasia, comes from the Greek words Eu(good) and Thanatosis (death) is means ‘good death’ or ‘gentle, easy death’. In Ancient Greece, before the Hippocratic oath, patients who were in pain had an assisted suicide and were given a poisoned drink. In this time it was said “Mentally and physically ill persons should be left to death; they do not have the right to live”(A General). This is not a true mercy killing, but one done out of hate, the wrong way to do one. In Ancient Rome euthanasia was regarded as murder, but sickly babies were left outside to die, a type of hate induced murder killing (A General).
When Hitler ordered widespread mercy killings in October of 1939, he did not know the true meaning of ‘mercy k...

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.... Even though it may be an animal it's life is still precious. But mankind knows letting the animal suffer is wrong. So how is allowing a human to suffer right? Any type of creature in pain, suffering, and not wanting to live deserves the right to decide whether or not they continue on with life.
Mercy killings, or euthanasia, is perfectly alright when done under regulation. They have occurred, legally or illegally, no matter what time period it was in history. Many have occurred out of hate, such as those conducted by Hitler. Others have been done to ease the patient's way into the afterlife, such as Dr. Kevorkian. We end the suffering of our beloved pets, who's lives are just as precious as ours. Under strict medical and legal regulations they can be beneficial to humanity and the patients life. They are an easy way out of pain, a is a favorable choice at times

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