Argumentative Essay On Animal Testing

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“In 2010 that 97,123 animals suffered pain during experiments while being given no anesthesia for relief.” (ProCon). In recent years animals have been more and more mistreated and manipulated in order to test many of the products that we use today. A common belief of many people is that it is better for this to be tested on animals than humans. This alone is a very disturbing. The problem with this is that no life whether it is human or animal is worth being put through the pain and discomfort in order for us to have personal gain. The truth is that there are safer more reliable methods that could solve of the problems with the animal testing that goes on throughout the world today. Although the testing of products on animals provides One of the main reasons that animal testing is bad is because it inflicts pain on animals. Although there are regulations in place, cruelty to these animals still occurs (PETA). The main regulator of animal testing is the AWA or the Animal Welfare act. This act only really regulates the housing and transportation of animals. This does make the conditions for the animals somewhat better, but with there being no regulation on the experiments themselves most of the cruelty still occurs. Thousands of animals are harmed each and every year from experiments on products that make our lives so comfortable. To be exact there were 436,892 animals that had pain inflicted on them during experiments in 2010. Another alarming fact is that 97,123 of these animals received no aide in order to make the pain go away (ProCon). Many tests that are done to animals are inhumane and cruel. One of these would be a draize test. This test is done in order to test the skin and eye irritation caused by cosmetics. This may be done by an animal’s whole body restrained and their eyelids being clipped open in order for researchers to see the effects that their products have on animals (Helfer). Another gruesome test done in these experiments is testing of healing. In this test the animal may be burned and cut to understand how the animals heal. Another test that is commonly used is the LD50 test. That stands In the DNA side of things there is a 90% similarity between many animals and humans (ProCon). Although this similarity is very strong there is still no exact match, and this can cause problems. This means that the results that are found from the tests that occur on animals may not always hold true. This can cause thousands of unwanted deaths in humans. “94% of the drugs that pass the tests on animals fail in human clinical trials.” (ProCon). Also tests can work the other way. Some drugs can cause damage to animals and be totally safe on humans an even beneficial. An example of this would be Aspirin. It is very harmful to some species of animals. In humans aspirin saves lives and can help stop and prevent heart attacks and strokes. Another instance of this happening is when there was testing done on a drug that is used to help recipients of organ transplants accept the new organ. This drug failed the tests on animals, but luckily it was still pushed into human clinical trials. This claim that animal testing saves human lives is not completely true (Zurlo). Different drugs often times react differently with both humans and animals. Logically this makes complete sense because human processes are ultimately very different than an animal’s processes. This means that the test results that come from this testing of animals may not

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