Argumentative Essay Of Banning Books

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There are books all over the world that are getting banned by communities and schools. Of Mice and Men is a popular book that is getting banned or almost banned all over the world for inappropriate language and bad themes. But should these books get banned. Only parents and teachers should ban books, not communities. Communities voting is not the right way to ban books, only parents and teachers should ban books. The community should not control what students read in school because it is up to the parents. The parents in the community need to control what the kids are reading. There are some people with no kids in the community. If those people could vote to ban or keep books, then they are impacting other parents, kids. Most parents know what is best for their own kids and it is up to the parents to decide what their kids should read. In the article, Finney wanted to ban Of Mice and Men because she thought it used inappropriate language and …show more content…

Some people may think that parents and teachers can never be on the same side and they will always argue, but that is false. The parents and teachers can vote and not have to argue all of the time. There will always be parents and teachers who disagree, but there is always a winner based on the percentage and number of votes. Parents do know what is best for their kids, not random people in the community. The community as a whole should not vote to ban books, the parents and teachers should.
Only parents and teachers should ban books all over the world, not whole communities. Communities as a whole can change what parents’ children are reading and learning. Random community members should not be allowed to vote because they do not know what is best for the children at schools. Teachers and parents argue about it, but it will come to a decision. Parents and teachers are the only people allowed to ban books in communities all over the

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