Are We Really Capturing The Perfect Moment By Cle Flavio Nienow Summary

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Flavio Nienow is the author “Are We Really Capturing the Perfect Moment?”, this is was an editorial published in Burns Lake, B.C..The editorial is about the modern usage of cell phones and how the use of them is phasing the user to a point where they are not appreciating the current moment, but capturing photos, videos, and texts of it. Throughout the article Nienow discusses a variety of situations he has been in and how the use of cell phones affected the situation. Alan Jacobs is the author “I Went Back to a Dumbphone”, this is an article published in the Atlantic. The article is about his personal switch from an iPhone to a Punkt MP 01, and his experience with the switch to a less technologically advanced cell phone. Throughout the article Jacobs discusses why he chose to switch from a smart phone to a cell phone with significantly less features and how it is affected his lifestyle. Question 1: Flavio Nienow would claim personal interactions and relationships would be improved if smart phones were used less. In Nienow’s editorial he discusses the use of …show more content…

In Nienow’s editorial he cites some experts and their predictions that cell phone usage will peak and then decline. “…some experts say technology use will peak and decline.” Alan Jacobs would claim that the supposed ‘you are your cell phone’ phenomenon would grow worse. Jacobs would claim, that technology is only going to advance and the usage of cell phones will only become worse. “As Nicholas Carr has recently noted, you are your phone…” Problems may arise in the future if cell phones continue to advance because the cell phones will do more things for a user and that means less responsible the user will have. It may also lead to a culture like Japan where there is barely any human interaction, all the interaction is with a cell

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