Are We Alone in The Universe?

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Are we alone in the universe? This one is a hard question to answer, but there seems to be an argument that this cannot be so. Firstly, the universe is a huge place, a place that expands every second. It is so big that earth is only a tiny atom in the universe, so we can’t be the only ones alive in all that possibility of space. Secondly, life needs certain things to form; these are called CHNOPS and these are found in other places besides earth. Thirdly, people have reported alien sightings on earth, and this too suggests that we are not alone.

Firstly, universe is expanding every second since the birth of the universe. It was first a tiny spec of high concentrated mass and energy, something triggered it to explode. This explosion was called the Big Bang. This is the start of time, space and matter. This happened 13 billion years ago. The universe is made out of 21% dark matter, 4% normal matter and 74% dark energy and has more than 500 trillion galaxies. Each galaxy typically has more than〖 10 billion〗^2 stars. Each star has more than 1 planet or none sometimes. In 1961, Frank Dr...

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