Are Children Smarter Essay

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Are Children Smarter Because Of The Internet?

After numerous years of study and experiments completed by physicians, educationalists and researchers. The outcome is overwhelmingly positive in favor of having children use the internet. Technology endorses that students can take on some of the responsibility for their own learning and can take personal action to focus on thinking as a vital element to their education process. Research suggests that the internet does make children smarter because it allows children to have higher self confidence, build fine motor and cognitive skills, increase visual memory, and use trial and error to problem solve on their own.

Children are becoming smarter the more they have access to the internet. Teachers …show more content…

Hence, children are more relevant to feeling worthy, deserving and entitled to assert their needs and desires. The internet is also producing more deeply engaging children because they have the ability to be more absorbed in obtaining knowledge than traditional textbook learning can provide (Wilson, and Dr. James Bower, 2011).

Another important skill learned because of the internet is cognitive skills– these skills are associated with thinking and knowing they are required for children to understand language and numbers, to reason and problem solve, and to learn and remember. Although the term "cognitive skills" encompasses a broad array of competencies, research on the effects of computer use on cognitive skills has focused on the development of a specific set of visual intelligence skills crucial to the use of computer technology: spatial skills, iconic (or image representation) skills, and visual attention skills. Computer applications of many kinds, and especially computer games, are designed in ways that emphasize visual rather than verbal information processing. Consider popular action games with their rapid movement, imagery, and intense interaction, plus various activities occurring simultaneously at different locations on the screen. Studies indicate that children who play such games can improve their visual intelligence skills—skills that may provide them with "training wheels" for computer literacy down the road (Greenfield, 2000). Therefore, when children need to learn something new, the internet also helps supplement this through the use of videos, digital images, and audio and touch mechanism. The internet allows for faster

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