Architectural Practice

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Architectural Practices

What I Knew about My Dream

I love traveling and I have been traveling a lot these years. I especially love to go sightseeing in metropolis where skyscrapers were erected. Every hour of the day seems to produce some changes to the magical hues and shapes of these edifices. One of my favorite things to do is to watch the sparkling city silhouetted in the red horizons in a distance. In fact, what I like is not just skyscrapers, but all kinds of building structures such as the Sydney Opera House, the World Trade Center(What a shame that it was struck down by the terrorists!), and the Great Wall. But these edifices do not spur from the earth spontaneously; someone has conceived the grand ideas of these spectacles. Yes, Architects! They are the creators of theses “giants” and the inspiration of architects filled the buildings with vividness.

Just a couple of months a go, I started to seriously consider the possibility of becoming an architect. One day I turned on the TV and switched to the Discovery Channel, the experts in the TV were explaining the structure of the Gold Gate Bridge in San Francisco. The show grasped my interest and my eyes were clued to the screen. I have always liked building stuff ever since I was young, but I have never watched a scientific documentary on a specific building structure before. My interest in architecture was aroused on that day.

The purpose of this I-Search paper is to find out whether a career in architecture is suitable for me. I already knew that an architect must be creative and that he or she must be adequate to a lot of math and science calculations. However I want to delve into greater depth, I want to know what exactly an architect does and what skills are...

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...ime in high school and strive toward this goal by taking some relevant classes. It seems to me that there are more questions to be answered as a result of this research but I am sure they will be answered through further study and research. Although I am still not sure about my future career, being an architect will definitely be enlisted in my consideration. In short, I have really enjoyed the research process and it’s going to be a tremendous help to me.

Work Cited

McNeill, Donald. The Global Architect: Firms, Fame and Urban Form. 1st edition. New York, NY: Routledge, 2009. Print.

"Architects, Except Landscape and Naval." Bureau of Labor Statistics. December 17, 2009. United States Department of Labor, Web. 31 Jan 2010. .

JingChun. Zhou. Personal interview. 9 January 2010

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