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Recommended: Anxiety
Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety is a normal reaction to stressful situations that helps in the coping process for individuals. On some occasions, anxiety may become so severe that it impairs the ability to cope and can create psychosocial impairment. High levels of anxiety that interfere with daily activities and social interaction are considered a psychiatric disorder. Anxiety disorders are treatable and can have profound effects on the psychosocial aspect of the individuals life.
This paper will discuss the possible causes of anxiety disorders and the affects that it may have on an individual’s psychological state. The social implications of this disorder will also be discussed to get a clear understanding of how extreme anxiety can impair the development of one’s normal psychosocial state of mind.
Anxiety disorders are psychiatric in nature and can cause distress in the individual experiencing them. High amount of anxiety often appear in individuals who are vulnerable to stressful situations and can cause fear, sadness, anger, and dependent on the extent of the disorder, social isolation. Extreme anxiety can be a genetic trait or a learned process from a traumatic experience, such as childhood induced posttraumatic syndrome. The individual may have barriers that prevent them from dealing with normal situations, which can produce debilitating amounts of anxiety. In these cases, the individual may obsess about the worst possible scenario when dealing with high stress situations. This normally produces a fight or flight response to the high stress situation that is being experienced.
The social impact associated with anxiety disorders is most often isolation, tension, and depression. Dependent on what...
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... range from discomfort to depression. Therapy and medication can improve the symptoms of anxiety disorders, although many people do not seek treatment due to fear or misdiagnosis. With proper treatment, profound beneficial effects can be achieved in the psychosocial aspects of an individual’s life.
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Rose, J. (2009, Aug. 17). Perspectives of General Anxiety Disorder. Retrieved on September 5, 2011, from http://psychedonpsychology.blogspot.com/2009/08/perspectives-of-generalized-anxiety.html
Anxiety is a monster that most people have to deal with on a daily basis. Even though anxiety is not actually a monster it still torments thousands of people every day, leaving them weak and scared. Anxiety defined means “distress or uneasiness of mind caused by fear of danger or misfortune” defined by Dictionary.com. In the epic poem of Beowulf, one could say that the townspeople had anxiety when it came to Grendel because they feared what he could do to them.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder, also known as (GAD) is one of the several types of anxiety disorders. GAD according to our textbook (Lahey) is an uneasy sense of general tension and apprehension for no apparent reason that makes the individual highly uncomfortable because of its prolonged presence. GAD is much more than the normal anxiety people experience day to day. Without provoking, it is chronic and exaggerated worry and tension. This disorder can involve anticipating disaster, often worrying excessively about health, money, family or work. Sometimes, though, just the thought of getting through the day brings anxiety.
Fear and Anxiety are essential functions that occur in the brain that allow people to respond to stimuli appropriately. These feelings as normal as they are can cause problems and in 3.1 percent of adult Americans approximately 6.8 million people it does cause problems (“Generalized anxiety disorder”, 2014). A problem can arise when people have too much fear and anxiety; a problem is evident when it interferes with their life and their ability to do things. This is known as general anxiety disorder (GAD). When someone is suffering from generalized anxiety disorder they normally experience excessive exaggerated anxiety and worry about normal life events that give no clear reason for worry (“Generalized anxiety disorder”, 2014). This disorder can be debilitating and rule over people’s lives if it is severe and a better understanding of the disorder can be gained by looking at historical views, current views, causes and symptoms, case studies, differential diagnosis considerations, and treatment.
Anxiety is a feeling of tension associated with a sense of threat of danger when the source of the danger is not known. In comparison, fear is a feeling of tension that is associated with a known source of danger. I believe it is normal for us to have some mild anxiety present in our daily lives. Everyday that I can think of I have some kind of anxiety though out that day. Anxiety warns us and enables us to get ready for the ‘fight or flight’ response. However, heightened anxiety is emotionally painful. It disrupts a person's daily functioning.
According to Sharp (2012), “anxiety disorders are the most widespread causes of distress among individuals seeking treatment from mental health services in the United States” (p359).
One kind of anxiety disorder is obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). This disease can ruin a person's life because it causes them to have repetitive thoughts and behaviors towards certain things. Life can become very difficult because this way of thinking and acting is very difficult to overcome, especially since the obsessions have no point and are stressful for the person. It begins to interfere with the person's school, work, and/or home.
Wood, S. Wood, E. Boyd, D. (2014). Mastering the World of Psychology. A. Chow(Ed.). Jersey, NJ: Text.
Beck, A. T., & Steer, R. (1993). Beck Anxiety Inventory 1993 Edition. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.
Anxiety is a term for several disorders that causes the body to feel fear, nervousness, apprehension, and worrying, "Anxiety is a word we use for some types of fear that are consequently to do with the thought of a threat or something going wrong in the future, rather than right now" (Mental Health Foundation). Many people suffer from anxiety every day, consequently most people can not pinpoint what exactly their anxiety originates from. No one likes to experience stress and anxiety, but it is just a phase of life that most humans have to overcome and become stronger. Anxiety disorders are one of the most inferior mental illnesses that affects teens and adults in the United States. Anxiety negatively affects the body and
Anxiety is one of the most common mental illnesses in the United Sates. Anxiety is typically under diagnosed. Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, and getting anxious. It’s a feeling that you cannot shake, your heart begins to race, and you feel as if you cannot breath. Some believe anxiety is something that a person can control. They are wrong, anxiety is a debilitating mental illness that is hard to control and manage without the proper help. I chose anxiety because it is something that struggle with every day. The topics I will be discussing in my paper are the types of anxiety disorders, the manifestations of anxiety, treatment and medications, nursing interventions and patient education on anxiety. (Carol D. Tamparo, 2011)
Anxiety disorder is a type of abnormal behavior characterized by unrealistic, irrational fear. These types of disorders are diagnosed two as often in women as in men. Although these disorders can be very chronic and serious, they are easily treatable. Generalized anxiety disorder is when people experience fear and worry that is not focused on one specific aspect; nevertheless, they suffer greatly with headaches, dizziness, heart palpitations, and insomnia. Obsessive-compulsive disorder, better known as OCD, involves persistent, unwanted, obsessions and irresistible urges to perform compulsions in order to relieve anxiety. Unlike other anxiety disorders, OCD consists more of anxiety and worry rather than fear itself. Many people who experience OCD are aware that there is no motive behind their actions, however their anxiety is heightened when they try to ignore the compulsions. People with such anxiety disorders often experience sensitivity to other people’s views as well as worry over their surroundings.
One reason being that therapy teaches tool that can be used to overcome anxious feelings, that can help in the long term. For example “Hollon studied 240 patients with moderate to severe depression and found that patients who responded to cognitive therapy were significantly less likely to relapse into another bout of major depression than patients who responded to antidepressants and were later withdrawn from the drugs (Archives of General Psychiatry, 2005)”(Smith).Medication is only effective when it is taken. A forgotten dose might mean a catastrophic accident. The patients with therapy proved that therapy can help reduce the possibility of a relapse. Therapy treats more than just anxiety and can help treat any other issues that are caused by anxiety. “"I would say at least half the folks who are being treated with antidepressants aren't benefiting from the active pharmacological effects of the drugs themselves but from a placebo effect," says Steven Hollon, PhD, a psychology professor at Vanderbilt University who has conducted extensive research on the effectiveness of antidepressants. "If people knew more, I think they would be a little less likely to go down the medication path than the psychosocial treatment path"”(Smith). Like the evidence stated the effects that come from taking medication are very likely to be a placebo effect rather than actually changes, where therapy uses a variety of different methods to help solve anxiety issues, without the cause for concern of a placebo effect. Therapy can be adjusted to fit the needs of the individual. “...by providing more counseling, he was better able to understand the true nature of their concerns. Research supports his findings, showing that therapy can stimulate the growth of neurons and synaptic connections between neurons. Medication for depression, anxiety, and other emotional problems does not do this.
National Institute of Mental Health. (2009). Studying anxiety disorders. NIH Medline plus, 5, 13-15. Retrieved from http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/anxiety-disorders/complete-index.shtml
To begin with, one of the major factor contributing to anxiety are environmental factors. These are experiences you have that are non-genetic and are taught to us through our surrounding’s (“The Anxiety Guide”, n.d.). The stress some experiences on a day to day basis may lead to them developing an anxiety disorder. When our bodies experience stress
The definition of anxiety by the American Psychological Association is, “...an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes like increased blood pressure”(APA) Anxiety disorders affect 1 in 8 children, the largest source of the anxiety being stress. An article by the Huffington Post says, “31 percent of teens report feeling overwhelmed as a result of stress, 30 percent say that they feel sad or depressed as a result of stress, and 36 percent report feeling tired