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Research Question : Is America the new Atlantis?

Bacon, Francis. The New Atlantis. [Auckland, N.Z.]: Floating Press, 2009. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 4 Apr. 2014.
In the book The New Atlantis it describes Mr Bacon's and many others in any of the Order Of The Quest secret societies, ideal vision of a perfect Utopian society. The Book was written in 1623 and released after his death in 1627. Mr. Bacon was a Lord Chancellor and Attorney General of England, during an elightenment movement while Queen Elizabeth was Queen is when he was most active in his work. There is a interesting bit of information in the introductory note in this book it says. "The plan and organization of his great college lay down the main lines of the modern research university;" (Bacon 4-5). As if to say all those in academia are working to fulfill this vision whether they are aware of it or not. Mr. Bacon also called himself the herald of the New Age.
The reason I chose this book is to show that Mr. Bacon had a vision and plan to set up a place where this could be carried out and that secret societies are still working to fullfill this vision. It is not an easy undertaking since it is by it's very definition a secret plan by secret societies. There is no easy place to look for this information and the halls of acedemia do not help much in this area. I have found in this book that Bacon did believe that America was the New Atlantis or possibly was the Atlantis of olden tales. "and the great Atlantis, (that you call America,)" (Bacon 26). Even the street layout of Washington D.C. seems to show some kind agenda that these societies believed.

Hall, Manly P. The Secret Destiny of America. Los Angeles, CA: Philosophical Research Society, 1944. Print.

... middle of paper ... to the question. I myself do not believe Shakespeare wrote the works that are credited to him. This man that they don't even know if he was educated wrote the greatest works of all time and they were found after he was dead never shown in his own handwriting and the handwriting of him that does exist looks like someone that could barely spell his own name. Not one letter exists of the greatest literary of all time either to or from him and did not execute any plays written by him while alive? Magically invented at least 1500 new words for the English language and used around 20,000 words for his works. Only a brain dead retard would believe this. Would any one person use 20,000 words even if they wrote many volumes of books? I believe this was the work of the Knights of the Helmet, headed by Mr. Francis Bacon. To further a future nation with a refined language.

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