Persuasive Essay On Animals

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Imagine being held in a room, captive, for the rest of your life. Can you imagine never having the option on when to come and go or when to eat? How about being beaten and torchered helplessly and not able to seek help? This is what is happening to many animals across the nation that are being used for our everyday entertainment. Animals in circuses, zoos, sports, and acting are held in captivity against their will and living contrary to their natural habitat. Just like it is important for humans to get out for exercise physically and psychologically, it is significant for animals to do so as well. Although these animals may not seem threatened, the way they are mistreated while being trained, transported, and cared for is detestable. Animals …show more content…

Their main goal is bringing in money, not focusing on the animal 's well being. “In the wild, elephants walk up to 30 miles each day, bears are active for up to 18 hours a day exploring their home ranges for up to hundreds of miles, and tigers and lions love running and climbing and will roam many miles to hunt”(Dawn). While being held in a zoo, the animals are imprisoned in cages or enclosures that do not provide the space for the everyday activeness the animals need. Living without this exercise and space typically causes “zoochosis”, a repetitive pattern of behavioral issues when animals are held in captivity. Bears, lions, and tigers will start to pace back and forth, giraffes are known to twist their necks and bang them on walls, monkeys start to pick at themselves till they bleed, and elephants will start to sway side to side. None of these behaviors are natural in the wild and only occur when held in captivity. Often, when animals become this way or become old and do not attract people anymore, zoos will sell their animals to circuses or take them to livestock auctions where they will most likely be slaughtered. This information is kept from the visitors of the zoo and should be taken into …show more content…

Bullfighting, for instance, is a gruesome sport where people gather to watch a bull get repeatedly stabbed till its death. They start off with anywhere from four to six men that puncture the bulls skin with speers. The bull then runs around chasing the men with capes till it gets weak and falls to the ground, the bull is then stabbed for the final time and dragged out of the arena by horses. By the same token, dog fighting is another repulsive sport where animals are forced to fight till their death. In these events dogs are typically chained for days and taunted with food to trigger aggression and natural survival skills. Animal Equality voices that some owners will go to the extent of chopping of the dog 's ears so the opponent can not latch on while others will mix roach poisoning into their food so the fur might taste displeasing to the other dog (Animal Equality). Humans do not interact with the dogs while they are fighting, but the way they treat them before the fight is what makes these canines vicious. Both bullfighting and dogfighting are inhumane which is why dogfighting is illegal in the United States, bullfighting on the other hand is not illegal but is only allowed in one state, Texas. Even though these revolting sports are outlawed, the problem with them still

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