Animal Moralities and Human Negligence

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Tom Regan is an American philosopher and teacher. Regan was born in November 28, 1938 in Pittsburgh, and he received his B.A. at Thiel College. He has spent most of his career teaching philosophy at North Carolina state university, where he is now professor emeritus. Regan is regarded as one of the leading intellectuals in the animal rights movement. One of his ethic essays includes “The Case for Animal Rights”, and it was published in 1985 when he was 47 years old. According to the essay “The Case for Animal Rights,” Tom Regan discusses the objectives about the abolition of the use of animal in sciences, the termination of industrial animal agriculture, and the elimination of marketable and hunting and trapping games.
The first objective is the eradication of the practice of animal in science because it will keep our creatures away from suffering. It is addressed to the Scientifics and the owners of animal laboratories because they are using animals for experiments and unnecessary research for the human benefits. The structure of this topic is comparing and contrasting animals to humans. People cannot validate harming or killing a human being for the assistances of others, in the same manner, people cannot justify hurting or destroying an animal life for the human needs. The creatures should have the same rights as the people. The tone over this topic describes the annoyance of how Scientifics views and treat animals with lack of respect and as less valuable thing in their laboratories just for the resource of humans.
The second target is the termination of animal industries farming because they allow faunae to be viewed and treated as resources for the general public. The intended audience for this topic...

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... like 10 times. He dropped the animal to the floor, and the chicken was suffering and dying. The guy was laughing at it. It is totally true that these big corporations are treating and killing the morality of these animals.
Regan’s article provides an excellent analysis about the effects of the incorrect point of view to animals and the damage of the moral position of our animals. The use of animals in experiments should be stop, and the exploitation of animals in the industries should be banned. If the cruelty and the immorally continues hurting our animals, we will sooner or later we will not have any animals on our planet.

Works Cited

Tom Regan. “The Case for Animal Rights.” The Norton Reader. 13. Peterson Linda, John Brereton, Joseph Bizup, Anne Fernald, and Melissa Goldthwaite.
New York. London: New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2012. 617.

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