Angela Merkel Impact on Germany

2023 Words5 Pages


In today’s society, leaders are expected to guide by their actions and allow others to follow their lead. Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany, guides her people by following through with what she tells her citizens she will do, communicates to other nations about possible ways of dealing with certain situations, providing new ideas to solve difficult problems, and stand as an example of how to treat others no matter the viable differences or past history. Through the applications of modeling the way, inspiring a shared vision, challenging the process, enabling others to act and Encouraging the heart, we can see how powerful and impressive Angela Merkel really is.

To understand the Chancellor’s impact on Germany, it is important to understand her past. Angela Merkel, a theoretical chemist turned Prime Minister, has not only changed the world but also in addition to that has inspired others to do the same for the common goal of a better, more stable, world. Born in 1954 in East Germany, Angela Dorothea Kasner was a child to academics. Her father, Horst Kasner, was an English and Latin teacher and a Lutheran pastor. Most of Merkel’s childhood was spent in the countryside outside of Northeast Berlin (Langguth, 2005). Living on the communist side of the Berlin wall may have been one of the biggest influences on her childhood that in time transitioned into her adulthood.

As a schoolgirl in a Soviet school, Merkel was not only expected to do well in learning German but expected to learn Russian as well; she excelled at it, receiving awards for her proficiency in the language. She wanted to show her peers and superiors her aptitude to learn so she studied very hard (Kottasová, 2013, n.p). Merk...

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Vasagar, J. (2013). Angela Merkel, the girl who never wanted to stand out, to win big again - Telegraph. Retrieved April 10, 2014, from

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