Andrew Carnegie: The Early Twentieth Century

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Andrew Carnegie is known as the most successful American philanthropist of the early twentieth century. He was the builder of the American steel industry and was captain of the industrial growth of America during that time. Most decisions in his life were carefully thought out so that he could achieve nothing less than greatness. Even after his death, the World continues to benefit from his existence.

Carnegie’s success story began when his family decided to move from Scotland to America. “The family narrowly escaped poverty by immigrating to the United States”. This move set him on the path to fulfil his destiny, and despite his humble beginnings, he was still able to became one of the wealthiest business men of his time. In other words, this would be the catalyst for the creation of the man that is known as Andrew Carnegie himself. …show more content…

He started with a position working with the superintendent of the Pittsburgh division in the company; leading him to become visible to Thomas A. Scott, who was the superintendent of all the Pennsylvania Railroad divisions. “Three years later, Carnegie himself became superintendent”. To be able to start as a messenger boy and then become superintendent of the entire Pennsylvania Railroad goes to show how much the events in his life were leading to one another and working in his

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