Ancient Nile Geography Essay

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The Nile greatly impacted Ancient Egypt and its civilization. The Nile was surrounded by deserts which helped keep Ancient Egyptians safe from outside invasions. They had flood seasons which provided them with food. Lastly, they had the river, which served as a means of transportation for them. The geography and seasons of the Nile influenced Ancient Egypt, and without these three key factors, or with different ones, Ancient Egypt and its civiliazation would have been very different than it is.
The Nile’s geography impacted Ancient Egypt and its civilization. There were the deserts surrounding the Nile, the Sea, and the Nile River itself. To the east and west of the Nile there were deserts that could help protect the Ancient Egyptians and prevent …show more content…

They went by river using boats, and dependent on the direction they were traveling they needed to use a different style boat. The Nile River flowed south to north because northern Egypt had a lower elevation than southern Egypt. When a boat was traveling upstream, or against the current smaller boats were used to pull larger boats. When boats were traveling downstream, with the current, they typically went with just oars, and no smaller boats pulling them along (Document C). Food was probably one of the main items being pulled by the tugboats and sailboats, along with popular trade items. One of the trade items could include silk. The boats went four knots during flood season and even slower the rest of the year (Document C). Given that the Nile River is the world’s longest river traveling from one city to another and back at such a slow speed would have taken a long time, and was likely not an occupation that only occurred during the flood season. The Nile River itself, again contributed to the ways of life in Ancient Egypt, as a source of transportation from one location to another. Geography was the major factor in what helped to shape Ancient Egypt. The geography of the Nile affected three things in particular, protection, agriculture and food, and transportation. The deserts surrounding the Nile helped prevent invasions from outside Ancient

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