Analyzing Tracy Letts 'Superior Donuts'

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Tracy Letts, Superior Donuts (2008) introduces us to a Polish American donut Shop owner named Arthur. As the play begins, an ex-employee has vandalized Arthur’s shop. Arthur is somewhat distraught over this incidence but does not seem to show his emotion to anyone. He seems to be almost disengaged in the incidence as the police and neighbors stand there in awe of what has happened. Throughout the play, Arthur has had many people in his life leave him. This play argues that when someone has endured abandonment, he or she becomes accustomed to people leaving and becomes emotionally detached from the world. Forsaken is a kind of feeling that is generated when someone of importance has left. When someone loses a person that he or she considered important to his or her life, the void of that person can create a feeling of abandonment. Consequentially, feeling this way can keep an individual from forming any type of emotional attachment to anyone else. In other words, the person would fear losing another person so he or she would not let his or herself grow close to anyone. In Superior Donuts, Arthur feels forsaken …show more content…

At first, he is distant from Franco and really does not show much emotion to him. However, as time goes by he grows a closer bond with Franco. After a heated disagreement they have in the shop, Arthur becomes worried when he thinks Franco may have left him also. He calls Franco, and expresses his worries and apologies to him. Leaving a voicemail, he states to Franco: “Sorry for all the messages, but I’m just getting a little worried here… I guess you’re not coming in today. I wish you’d at least call me.. I’m feeling like we had an argument and maybe, I don’t know…you know the number” (70). The essence of this quote is that Arthur quickly realizes that he might have possibly lost another friend. In other words, he has created an attachment to Franco and fears going through the feeling of forsakenness

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