Analysis of the Success Factors and Failure Causes in Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Projects

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IT is very useful for any company for satisfying their operational and functional needs. Due to the huge development in IT projects, companies need to keep themselves aware of changes in the global world. Companies must give more importance to ICT projects to become more popular in the competitive world. There are two different lifecycles that work together throughout the course of every project. One describes all the tasks that must be completed to produce a particular product and the second explains how to manage a product. Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities in order to achieve projects requirements, usually to time and budget.

In recent global history studies indicate that managing projects are challenging as it is. IT or software managers have to monitor and manage the IT projects concomitantly .IT managers’ carriers will rise and fall based on their ability to deliver high quality projects on time (Brandon 2006, p.18).

Unfortunately some IT projects become more popular and some fail due to...

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