Analysis of Yes, Human Cloning Should Be Permitted and I Have a Dream

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The articles “Yes, Human Cloning Should Be Permitted” by Chris MacDonald and “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King Jr. should be allowed as articles to be taught in the school because it creates challenge, knowledge and hope in the minds of the students.

The article, “Yes, Human Cloning Should Be Permitted is about human reproduction by scientific method employing the use of laboratory trials. This article should be taught in the school programme because it will challenge some of the students to go into studies and research technology which will make the teaching of human cloning in school sufficiently compelling and these might make it easier for the society to accept cloning. Also, the article will create knowledge and awareness for the student that somebody identical to them can be reproduced. Because of the identical knowledge, the student will be more careful with disclosure of vital information about themselves. It will also create knowledge for the student to know the degree of acceptance of clone individuals because duplication of identical people could be for harmful purposes. Also, according to “Yes, Cloning Should Be Permitted article whish states that “Human cloning according to critics has harmful effects” (MacDonald 390), it will create awareness about how human cloning is accepted in the societies and how it might be physically and psychologically harmful for the clone child. Finally, it will create hope for some of the students who want to become Gay or do not want to go through the traditional way of having children that they can clone human beings identical to them. These clone children can be care for, as a child and still the person that paid for the cloning will still be able to fulfil their duty as a parent without going through the traditional painful way. According to the article which states that “Cloning for reproduction purposes has a legitimate, morally acceptable application” (MacDonald 391). His idea will help the student including those who may be infertile or gay to have hope that there are other alternative ways of having offspring.

Furthermore, the article “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King Jr. inspires and promotes freedom. This article will create challenges for students in Canada which is multicultural, mixed races and colour, where hidden and subtle racism still exist. Though racism is illegal in Canada, people still have not accepted each other as one.

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