Analysis of Rochester's A Satyr Against Mankind

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Analysis of Rochester's A Satyr Against Mankind

Although John Wilmot, better known as the Earl of Rochester, wrote "A

Satyr Against Mankind" in 1679, his ideas are still relevant over three

centuries later. His foresight in satirizing humankind's use of reason

reinforces the intrinsic role of rationality in the human condition. But

implicit in his condemnation of rationality is an intentional fallacy—the

speaker of the poem uses reason in the same manner as those that he claims

to abhor. In doing this, Rochester widens the perimeter of his criticism

to encompass the speaker as well as those he admonishes, a movement that

magnifies the satire. Considering this, the anti-reason cadences of the

poem become exaggerated so greatly that the speaker's words must be taken

lightly. Accordingly, Rochester's intent in "A Satyr Against Mankind" is

to persuade readers to use their gift of reason humbly, a sentiment

expressed by making the poem's narrator one of the "unreasonably

reasonable" people of whom he speaks.

In the first line of the poem, the narrator immediately interjects a

handicap that accounts for his potential poetic ineptness: he is a man. He

establishes the poem's prevailing attitude that man is a "strange,

prodigious creature" (Wilmot 2), monstrous because of his vainglorious

rationality. Rochester is careful not to detach the narrator from the

humans he criticizes, but let him glow with a misleading aura of

objectivity, as if by acknowledging that he is a man with unjust pride of

reason he is partially exempt from the criticisms he bestows upon his

... middle of paper ...

... rational observations and conclusions.

A great thread of irony lashes together the speaker's arguments in "A

Satyr Against Mankind"—his use of reason undermines his disapproval of it.

As he deplores rational thinking as kindling for interpersonal discord and

fuel for useless pursuits of truthful resolve, he places himself in the

same position of those he criticizes. Rochester manipulates the narrator

with this paradox to heighten the satire, which ultimately exaggerates the

human tendency of proudly flouting rational aptitudes to praise those who

use reason with sensible restraint.

Work Cited

Wilmot, John. "A Satyr Against Mankind." Eighteenth-Century English

Literature. Ed. Geoffrey Tillotson. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich

College Publishers, 1969. 33–36.

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