Analysis of Martin Luther King Jr. Warrior for Peace by Tanya Savory

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FIRST MARKING PERIOD It was during the summer of 1928, when a black man named Joshua stopped for a little bit of gas. He was going to visit a friend to Florida during his vacations, and he was driving all the way from New York. Back then the black people were not allow to any white people place. By that time, racism was very powerful and the white people were the most stronger people in the communities, however, it was only in some states of the United States Of America. In others the racism did not existed, for example according to the book “Martin Luther King Jr. Warrior For Peace”by “Tanya Savory” in one of the states that there was no racism was Connecticut. During the winter of 1928, in Montgomery, Alabama, a black girl who was only fifteen-year-old got on a city bus so she could go visit her sick grandmother. She was supposed to go to the “colored only” section, there were no seats so she went to seat up front, but just as the girl sat down, a white man boarded the bus and the bus driver yelled “I said move”. “This bus ain’t goin’ anywhere until you get on back there with your kind”. In 1896, a group of residents, both black and white, from Louisiana had seen that separating people upon skin color was ridiculous. Plessy and his group didn’t give up and they took their case to the United States Supreme Court in that same year. But even the highest court of the land thought that the separation of races was legal as long as facilities and opportunities were equal. In 1896, they give the name of “segregation” to that racial separation which was going to be protected by the federal law. A boy named Emmett Till who had grown in Chicago, was sent to visit his uncle to Money,Mississippi in 1955. Thre... ... middle of paper ... to the black people. Although King was killed too young, he had changed the American History course. He helped bend “the arc of history” closer to justice as it says on his book. Setting and Genre This book was written around the time period of civil war. There were many locations written in this book such as in the beginning of the story southern Georgia. Later on the story in Montgomery, Alabama where King and his family lived. And other places like New York that there was where Martin was autographing his first book and it was also where he was stabbed. And Mississippi where the white men killed the little boy named Emmett Till. And others like Boston, Tennessee, etc,. This story’s genre was a of genre the described discrimination and racism. It show how life was back in the time when colored people and white people had to be separated from each other.

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