Analysis of Brutus and Antony's Speech

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In Brutus and Antony’s address to citizens after the assassination of Caesar, they appeal to completely different sense of citizens but each of them achieves their purposes. Brutus assuages citizens by establishing reasoning of assassinating Caesar, while Antony reveals Brutus’s dishonorable behavior in order to make citizens set fire on Brutus.
As an honorable man as well as a conspirator, Brutus informs citizen the just cause for assassinating Caesar which is the love for Rome. He compares two kinds of love in his speech, love for Caesar and love for Rome, “Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more”. When these two loves contradict each other due to the ambition of Caesar, which in Brutus perspective, will destructs Rome, Brutus chooses to love Rome because a honorable man cares the felicity of his country, a collective of people rather than the benefit of one single powerful person. However, Brutus elevates his audience’s respect for him one step further when he asserts that “I have the same dagger for myself, when it shall please my country to need my death”. By g...

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