Analysis of Appiah´s View of Racism

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In this paper I will be arguing that racist beliefs are cognitive problems according to Appiah’s account of racisms. In order to defend this position, I will first explain Appiah’s account of how racism is heritable through genes, focusing specifically on what he thinks the connection between extrinsic racists and intrinsic racists are. Then, I will define what Appiah takes a extrinsic and intrinsic racists to be, and show how his definition of what an “insincere” extrinsic is distinctive by contrasting it with other ways one could interpret or define as an “insincere” racist. I will then present an objection that explains why I think that racialism is not heritable through genes and that an “insincere” extrinsic racist should not change their minds.
Appiah argues that racism is heritable through genes. Evidence of this can be found if we consider what he says about Hegel and the nineteenth-century Western world’s view on racism. Appiah claims that the “heritable characteristics, possessed by members of our species… share certain traits and tendencies with each other that they do not share with members of any other race. Theses traits and tendencies characteristic of race constitute, on the racialist view, a sort of racial essence.” This example explains that the becoming of racism was passed down through generation to generation and thus became the basis to be racists towards any individual race if they feel that specific race isn’t worthy. However, others may argue that racism isn’t all heritable because some people can just become racist due to situations they may have had. For example, when Muslims destroyed the twin towers, a lot of people were either scared or had hatred towards them, which is racist against Muslims even th...

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...acity is an excuse to get away with the way intrinsic and extrinsic racist treat others. Let me give you an example of what I mean. Suppose I am driving on a highway and I notice someone of a particular race that I didn’t “like” or that I felt superior to and I decided to run them off the road. I know what I’m doing and I feel that I’m right even though I have this “cognitive incapacity”, but do I really not know? I know Appiah would say that I would be an intrinsic racist and that my actions are irrational, but it seems that he may agree with me since he stated that “most people will want to object already that this discussion of the propositional content of racist moral and factual beliefs misses something…. from what I call a “cognitive incapacity.” Therefore, I believe Appiah would be able to respond to my argument that the “cognitive incapacity” is an excuse.

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