Analysis of A Divine Revelation of Hell by Mary Baxter
This book is informative and descriptive idea of hell and what it is going to be like when someone goes there. This book very clearly describes the different departments of torture in hell. In this book JESUS CHRIST took Mrs. Baxter through hell to tell the world that there is a place called hell. This book was written to save lives and save souls. JESUS told Mary “that this was her purpose in life; to write and tell what he has been shown and told to her. For these things are faithful and true. Her call is to let the world know there is a hell and that JESUS was sent buy god to save them from this torment.” This lady actually went through hell in dreams for forty days every night. There aren’t really any stories in the book of virtues that relates to this particular book. While reading the book of virtues make sure that you follow the good lessons and give your life to god. Without JESUS CHRIST in your life your soul will go through eternal torment. The smell that comes from hell is one that your flesh can not bear. Hell has pits where you can walk through and see the pain of those whom are there forever. There are different departments of hell.
There is a left leg, a right leg, a tunnel, a belly of hell, many
pits, different cells in hell and there is a heart of hell. As Mary and JESUS went through hell their were people there who are begging god to let them in heaven and god says no because judgement has been set. He said there has been many people their way to introduce them to god and they refused. Souls are in hell begging for repentance and the answer is no because they had their chance and they turned their backs on god. Some souls even were at one time of another saved and they were going through something to make them stronger in the word and they though god was being unfair to them and blamed god for the mistake; therefore turning their backs on god. There are many false prophets in hell. As god walks through and stop to talk to these prophets they beg and pled for forgiveness and when god says judgement has been set they began to curse god and talk to him in the manner where they are really disrespecting god.
Seated in his fire-filled chair, the devil dominates the bottom-center of the painting. With the very dark lighting the mood towards this half of the painting is dark, gloomy, lonely, and unpleasing. Frankcen illustrates the true biblical message of hell. What is very interesting about this painting is how hell is extremely large, filled with a mass of people, and takes up about half of the painting. However, some of the people are babies. This alludes to the fact that some people are could possibly be born evil and that their fate is inevitable. A majority of the people set in hell are still looking up worshiping heaven while regretting their mistakes. The painter is trying to illustrate how many people do not make the right choices and end up miserable. The way Fans paints hell in this picture is very similar to the way Dante describes hell in this book The Inferno. Even though there are not nine layers of hell in this painting the descriptions are quite similar. The people standing in line waiting for their punishments, the dark gloomy vibe, and a mixture of young and old souls, are represented in the painting and in Dante’s story (1614-1702). Francken’s goal when interpreting hell is to not only make his viewers fear it, but come to the realization that is where a majority of people end
Hell is what he is referring to when the author says firey pit. He describes hell as the lowest,
In all religions key elements exist, cornerstones of their belief system, upon which everything else builds (Wilkins 22). These elements explain the world around us, from the fabrication of the universe to the meaning of life, imparting knowledge of the social mores and customs of the times (Wilkins 3). These myths testify to the moral and ethical code of the society that first conceived them (Wilkins 5). As with all systems of rule, an attempt to force the peoples governed by them into obedience creates possibilities for positive and negative reinforcement via religious beliefs (Wilkins 12). Good and bad, or in more common terms, heaven and hell. Punishment on earth is often short lived and quickly forgotten, but a threat of eternal punishment is well, eternal. From ancient Egyptians to current Judeo-Christian religion, there is always an eternal punishment for infractions of the religious law though the punishments and crimes may vary.
Hell is like a government. The bureaucracy is, of course, run by their “Father Below” who is Satan (Lewis 6). In other words, the system is a dictatorship. Additionally, the demons in Hell think that they can only “advance at the expense of another” (Schultz 368). Hell was not the intention God had when He gave His people free will, but it was rather a side effect (Hill and Smith). Hell was a consequence for what Satan and his followers tried to do. God created Hell for everlasting punishment (Matthew 25:46). In return, Satan and his followers have devoted themselves to corrupt societies so it is easier to tempt those societies (Schultz 368). This consequence had eternal effect on everyone including God and His angels (Hill and
The Divine Comedy written by Dante is one of the greatest poems ever written based on the fact that it is an autobiography as well as an allegory. It is considered an autobiography of Dante because he uses his personal experiences as motivation and inspiration. The beginning of first poem in The Divine Comedy, The Inferno, is related to the emotions Dante experienced after being exiled from Florence. He is wandering in the woods when he comes up to the bottom of a hill and starts to climb it before he is stopped by three creatures. This scene relates to how lost and confused Dante felt, along with feeling like he was attacked. By using his personal experiences and emotions, Dante actually wrote what is known as an allegory. Gay Johnson
Dante went through each level of hell with his guide the poet Virgil starting from the top, from the sinners whose punishment was not as bad as the last level of Hell. To show , from high to low it was first, limbo in which the sinners in which did not sin, but were never baptized. Secondly, lust the sinners who have a sexual desire and were punished by have winds pushed them back and forward. Thirdly, Gluttony, here the sinners who are selfish suffer day and night in
The first thing you would notice is the overall irony of Hell itself. As mentioned, most people have a view that Hell is very chaotic and in disarray. However, In Canto IV we find out that Hell is actually very organized. The structure of it is in fact “a great funnel-shaped cave… with its bottom point at the Earth’s center. Around this great circular depression runs a series of ledges, each of which Dante calls a CIRCLE.” (Alighieri 25). Most pictures you see of hell show images of very distressed people and demons running around in turmoil. They are usually all over the place and no sense of organization is apparent. There is also a map of hell that Dante has drawn in order to give us a clearer image of what Hell supposedly looks like (Alighieri 26). Through this we find that Dante has applied his use irony into the very structure of Hell. We also see that the people we thought were myths actually exist – in Dante’s eyes. Scattered throughout the book, we see several mythological characters that have indeed descended into Hell. On...
is exemplified in No Exit. It is a portrayal that life in Hell is just
“Early in the spring of 1300, "midway along the road of our life," Dante is lost and alone in a dark, foreboding forest. To survive this ordeal, he must visit the three realms of the afterlife, beginning with Hell.” (Smith) Dante’s Inferno, one of the great classical poems that have come out of literature that’s topic is hell. Dante’s Inferno, gives a descriptive look into hell, from the eyes of Dante. Dante goes into detail about every part of hell. The people, what it looks like, sins to go there, the whole shah-bang. Dante splits up hell into nine different parts. In which he sends different types of sinners to each part. Each hell is made up differently, each has different systems that make up that particular systems. For example, circle three, has Cerberus the three headed dog, and another circle is completely frozen over. There are three circles of hell in Dante’s Inferno that are the best in the book: Circle one, circle six, and circle three.
Inferno, the first part of Divina Commedia, or the Divine Comedy, by Dante Alighieri, is the story of a man's journey through Hell and the observance of punishments incurred as a result of the committance of sin. In all cases the severity of the punishment, and the punishment itself, has a direct correlation to the sin committed. The punishments are fitting in that they are symbolic of the actual sin; in other words, "They got what they wanted." (Literature of the Western World, p.1409) According to Dante, Hell has two divisions: Upper Hell, devoted to those who perpetrated sins of incontinence, and Lower Hell, devoted to those who perpetrated sins of malice. The divisions of Hell are likewise split into levels corresponding to sin. Each of the levels and the divisions within levels 7,8, and 9 have an analogous historical or mythological figure used to illustrate and exemplify the sin.
Dante Alighieri's The Inferno is a poem written in first person that tells a story of Dante’s journey through the nine circles of Hell after he strays from the rightful path. Each circle of Hell contains sinners who have committed different sins during their lifetime and are punished based on the severity of their sins. When taking into the beliefs and moral teachings of the Catholic Church into consideration, these punishments seem especially unfair and extreme.
In Dante’s Inferno sinners are in Hell because they committed a grave crime and did not seek repentance for their crime. Dante categorizes sinners in hell based on the severity of their crimes and how unrepentant they are. Dante explains, “Without repentance, none can be absolved. None can repent before a sin is done. No reasoning could be more fraudulent (27.124-127)!” In this
Hell will exist forever as place to hold Satan. The demons and those who choose him rather than Christ. But Heaven is the throne of God's glory and the reward for the righteous. We will receive our resurrection body and all pain of any kind will be gone for those in Heaven.
He gives reason to fear and respect the law of God, lest eternal punishment be your only promise in the afterlife. These punishments are as relevant as can be, so he offers a very vivid picture of hell. The men that he puts in hell give it a realistic twist, enhancing the fear that is felt upon reading this work.
Dante’s The Divine Comedy illustrates one man’s quest for the knowledge of how to avoid the repercussions of his actions in life so that he may seek salvation in the afterlife. The Divine Comedy establishes a set of moral principles that one must live by in order to reach paradiso. Dante presents these principles in Inferno where each level of Hell has people suffering for the sins they committed during their life. As Dante gets deeper into Hell the degrees of sin get progressively worse as do the severity of punishment. With that in mind, one can look at Inferno as a handbook on what not to do during a lifetime in order to avoid Hell. In the book, Dante creates a moral lifestyle that one must follow in order to live a morally good, Catholic