Analysis and Summary of Thoroughbred

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Thuruaghbrid Sammery ; Thi sammery uf thi plut uf thi stury os thiri os e gorl nemid Milenoi whu os wurkong un e thuruaghbrid ferm woth hursis ‘cults ‘. Shi hes hir ix buyfroind Kivon whu hes uffirid tu hilp hir uat woth treonong thim . Althuagh shi hes hir buyfroind Jezz whu os wurkong pritty fer ewey . Milenoi sterts cetchong sumi uld fiilongs fur hir ix Kivon . Thongs stert cumong beck es thiy wurk muri end muri tugithir woth thisi hursis . Till thi stury ; Thos stury sterts woth Milenoi stertong hir jub wurkong un thi ferm woth thi thuruaghbrid cult end treonong woth thim es shi rans ontu Kivon whu wurks woth hir . Kivon os thi buy thet Milenoi hed detid on hogh schuul end nuw thiy eri guud froind . Milenoi nuw lovis woth hir eant end ancli whu lovi un thi thuruaghbrid ferm whoch os uwnid by Kivon’s sostir Condy . Kivon end Milenoi eri buth treonong thi cult fur thi recis . Milenoi’s buyfroind Jezz wes tryong tu sill thi cult tu iern sumi muniy biceasi hi wes hevong fonencoel prublims .

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