Analysis Of William Styron's Major Depressive Disorder

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Major depressive disorder is a mood disorder characterized by the DSM-5 of depressed mood and markedly diminished interest or pleasure in nearly all activities occurring nearly every day, for most of the day, as indicated by a subjective self-report or an observational report from others. Individuals who have depression also tend to experience significant weight loss, insomnia or hypersomnia, psychomotor agitation, fatigue and loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt, diminished ability to concentrate, and recurrent thoughts of death. Most people who suffer from depression usually experience major depressive episodes in unipolar major depression, while some others experience both depressive and manic episodes in bipolar …show more content…

Many individuals, like William, whom experience major depressive disorder that relentlessly causes suffering for years tend to undergo great emotional distress that facilitates subsequent suicidal behavior. William made it evident to readers that he considered using his common household items such as the kitchen knives as potential devices to enable his own destruction. Also, the substance abuse of alcohol that William had, paired with his depressive mood disorder created a major risk factor for his suicidal thoughts during his late adolescent years. William viewed his fantasies of ending his life as daydreams that could serve as a scapegoat from the suffering that his deeply depressed mind brought but felt unable to admit to these thoughts with his …show more content…

By examining William’s personal struggle with the mental disorder of major depressive disorder the devastation this illness causes on the functioning of individuals is clearly highlighted. More importantly, the narrative reveals the importance of receiving help quickly after the onset of symptoms. The unfortunate truth of the illness of depression is that a large percentage of individuals wait many years to receive help and a small number do not even receive treatment for varying reasons. As a result of the individuals with depression who do not seek immediate help due to not understanding that what they are experiencing is an atypical response, the afraid of being stigmatized and learned helplessness, the mood disorder of depression acts like a silent

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