Analysis Of Where To Invade Next

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A Possible Solution to Childhood Obesity in the United States

In the movie, Where to Invade Next, Michael Moore “invades” other countries with the prospect of bringing ideas back to the United States to improve various public-health related components, such as: worker conditions, education, school lunches, drug policies, and women’s health/rights. During this movie, there was one country that resonated with me the most—France. In this particular segment, Moore goes to a town near Normandy and tells the audience where he can obtain a three or four-star meal. Not to my surprise, he said an elementary school lunchroom. Prior to seeing this film, I watched several episodes of Parts Unknown, where Anthony Bourdain also sheds light on French school lunches and how they are prepared. However, there were some aspects that surprised me and even made me wonder why we, as Americans, do not teach our students how to develop healthier eating habits. As the movie progressed, I …show more content…

Truman’s program was implemented in order to “provide nutritionally based, low-cost or free lunches to children each school day” (NSLP, 2016). Whereas, on average, the French spend approximately $3 per child for these extravagant lunches. In addition to that, low income families have their prices subsidized. (Le Billon, 2014). Moore stated that the reason why the quality of lunches is better in France than they are in the United States is because of the amount of taxes paid. The French pay more taxes than we do—and there is even more transparency on their annual tax return. As opposed to our system where the taxes are subjective (differ per person) and demonstrate no transparency into where our money is going. Based on this, it is not likely that the majority of Americans would be willing to pay more taxes, even if it meant having better, healthier lunches for their

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