Analysis Of The Time Machine

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The Time Machine is called a classic for a reason. The message it portrays changed the way of thinking in many people. It is relatable today, as it tells us not to be too comfortable in our lives because one day we are on top, but you never know when you will be at the bottom.
H.G. Wells begins the story with a group of men, including the narrator, he listens to the time traveler discussing time as a fourth dimension. The next week the narrator guests arrive at the the Time Traveler’s house, and they are surprised when the time traveler appears looking tired and disordered. They sit down to listen to the time traveler’s journey across space time. He went to the year 802, 701 AD. There, the time traveler is excited to find a civilization that will surpass his own in technology, intelligence, etc… However, to his surprise he finds Elois, tiny, weak, looking human creatures who dance around, and they give him fruit to eat. The Time traveler explores the area, but when he goes back to where the Time Machine was, it is not longer there. He comes to the conclusion that it has been put inside a pedestal of a nearby …show more content…

During the 1800s, people thought that the ones above were superior than those below the social and economic rank (Social Darwinism). It’s funny that even though the time traveler criticizes the ones high in status, he, himself is one of them. An evidence is that he has servants, not only that, but he also hangs out with important people in society. At the same time though, the time traveler does not really fit in with his social class. He is the perfect point of view in the story. When the time traveler was in the future, he was always on the Eloid’s side. However, He still criticized the upper class for becoming feeble and unintelligent creatures. Despite the fact of the Elois’s stupidness, the Time Traveler feels sorry for them because they are easy pray for the Morlocks, the lower class

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