Analysis Of The Three Standards From The Portrait Of A Teacher

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A. I can still vividly remember my elementary school experience and all the teachers I had from kindergarten to sixth grade. I have never been a vocal student in class and usually just listen to what is going on in the classroom. I have been this way since I started elementary school and my mother still remembers my kindergarten teacher telling her that I needed to speak more in class if I wanted to pass the year. Later on in elementary school I would begin to participate more, but not all the time and only when I felt comfortable. I would interact with teachers usually only when I needed help with work and then would just keep to myself or interact with other classmates.
The teacher I liked the most was my sixth grade homeroom teacher Ms. …show more content…

The three standards from the Portrait of a Teacher that I most want to strive towards are numbers four, seven, and eight. Standard four revolves around taking account issues about class, gender, race, ethnicity, language, sexual orientation, age, and special needs, which I find to be extremely important. My elementary school was predominantly Hispanic with many immigrant students who were just beginning to learn English. These students would need extra help in order to fully understand their coursework, and should not be degraded by teachers by being told to only speak English in the classroom. Another way to degrade students is by showing heteronormative behavior in the classroom. It became a teacher goal of mine to avoid doing this after a class discussion where a classmate of mine talked about how her and her wife were mistreated by their daughter’s teacher because of their sexual orientation. The teacher did not take into consideration that not every one of her students has a mother and a father and spoke in a heteronormative way. The teacher would make flyers and tell her students to inform their mothers and fathers, instead of saying parent, parents, or guardian. This would have been more inclusive, and is what my classmate wanted but the teacher said that their relationship was not normal. As a teacher I will try my hardest to be inclusive in order for no student to feel out of place and as though they cannot

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