Analysis Of The Poem Musee Des Beaux Arts

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The Poem Musee des Beaux Arts tells one man’s emotional connection to paintings he views while visiting a famous museum. In this essay I will be breaking down W. H. Auden’s poem line by line with analysis of his differing poetic elements to portray his theme of human suffrage.
The poem starts out stating “About suffering they were never wrong,/The Old Masters;” the phrasing is repetitive and the subject is placed at the end of the second line (Auden, 1&2). This is unusual and a typically frowned upon method because it leaves the reader confused about what the poet is discussing. Firstly we shall address “The Old Masters” and who Auden might be referring to (2). The reader can infer from the title “beaux arts” (“the artwork” in English) that the narrator is speaking about the original Masters of the art community. Assuming the analysis is correct the reader can then assume that when Auden states “about suffering they were never wrong” he is referencing the intelligence of an older art society and their understanding of depression, struggle and the human condition (1). By not giving more detail into what kind of suffering and under what environment this leaves room for the reader to wonder and search for answers, drawing us in with a form of suspense.
Lines two and three continue with “how well, they understood / its human position;” similar to lines …show more content…

He gives us a clear name and title of a piece of work “In Breughel 's Icarus, for instance: how everything turns away/ Quite leisurely from the disaster; (13-14).” The paining is Pieter Breughel’s piece “Landscape with the fall of Icarus” which was done hundreds of years before this poem. The reader can assume that this painting is very important given it is the only one to specifically be named and that Pieter Breughel is one of the Old Masters referenced to

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