Personal Characteristics Of A Princess

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The name Sara actually means “princess” in Hebrew. I am personally anything but a princess. The image of a Princess is strong, and proud, while I am the opposite. Being strong is not one of my traits as a person. I’d like to say that my personal traits are somewhere around Creative, Self-Critical, and Relaxed. Princesses are beautiful, while I am as plain as the Texan landscape. My brown hair and eyes match my slightly tan skin, and makes me more closely related to my father’s Hispanic side than my mother’s blond-haired blue eyes family lineage. I find hot tea, anime, and books more interesting than any new MTV show and while pop music is in, I’ve found that the band Queen will always have a special place in my heart. I am not a good public …show more content…

Problems such as these arise whenever the students become lazier, stressed, and lose the motivation to try. I believe that to fix these problems, rules such as the ones stated in this contract should be enforced in a learning environment, and should only be released whenever the instructor gives permission to do so, preferably before the class ends. By doing this, a routine will be set that keeps the students attention focused while in a class, but also relays a relaxed state of mind after the lesson/lecture is finished that ultimately allows the student to consider what has been given or taught. Students have many classes, which often lead to him/her stressing out over multiple assignments. By letting the student have five or ten minuets before class ends to consider and order the information they have been given this would greatly provide a less stressful environment. When students are stressed, they sometimes fail to make correct decisions, like cheating, and skipping out in classes. Cheating should be ultimately looked down upon as a student and should be looked as one of the utmost disgraceful things to do, and followed with ultimately receiving no grade for the assignment. By addressing problems such as cheating with dire consequences the students will ultimately reframe from disturbing the rules in …show more content…

Rules are necessary to form a united, calm, and open learning environment that benefits both the teacher and student alike. The signer of this contract understands that by taking the course Government 1302 he/she will hereby abide by the rules stated in this contract. The student understands the benefit of the rules as well as understands that he/she will commit himself/herself fully to learning from the course. The college courses he/she is now taking are no one else’s responsibilities except his/her own, the ups and downs, successes and failures are all their own to bear. These rules will help me apply all that I have, and will learn, into everything that I do, not only as a student but as a citizen as well. By signing this contract I agree to follow all of the stated rules, responsibilities, and promise to take full advantage of my education that I am given. I will always strive for more, and I believe these rules will help me do just

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