A Dramatic Crime Technique: The Story Of Savoie

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SAVOIE is a dramatic crime thriller. The goal is clear: find the killers and the stakes are high. The idea of a detective investigating two murders isn’t new to the industry, but detective and mystery stories are timeless. They have a faithful fan base, as everyone loves a good murder mystery. The story is driven by themes about second chances, redemption, and justice.

However, to be successful with a tried and true concept, they should offer the audience something new or refreshing to excite the viewer. The script attempts to do this by giving the main character, Savoie, an intriguing backstory – the death of her husband. The idea that she was a suspect and that she left her former police department to begin a new life, is interesting. This attempts to give Savoie some depth. …show more content…

The first act sets up the murders and Savoie’s goal to solve them. However, there really isn’t any major inciting event or catalyst that propels the story from act one to act two. They tend to blend together. In fact, the real inciting event in her life is the murder of her husband, which occurs before the plot

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