Character Analysis Of The New Boy

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Title: New Boy
Author/Director: Steph Green
Type: Short film

New Boy is a short film that envelops the viewer into a third person character and leads viewers to experience how it feels to be an outsider “The New Boy”, the audience experiences this feeling through the Protagonist 's mind in this case “Joseph.” This short film not only focuses on the idea of bullying but also the idea of being an outsider.The positioning of the title “New Boy” on the left-hand side of the frame indicates that the new boy will be powerless.

from Joseph’s point of view, his new classmates are blurry and confusing. This is an example of shallow focus, as well as a point of view shot, and indicates that Joseph does not understand his new peers or surroundings, …show more content…

This character was one of the mains that orientated the movie so that the protagonist can show the audience his hidden feelings and emotions which tie in with his past experiences.Christian 's character was set as the self-indulged egotistic bully he never failed to pull new stunts to anger Joseph and torment his being in the school also setting the other children against him for no apparent reason. One main targeted part was when Joseph’s flashback when to his father 's death and the gunshot is replaced with a water balloon hit by Christian which lands near Joseph 's face, this act pulls Joseph out of his flashback and into reality causing a lot of emotions to rush into action this included anger, sadness, and confusion. In this scene, there was a close up shot of Joseph 's face showing his emotions and an intense stare that was shot towards Christian as he grabbed onto his finger. This scene reminded me a lot of the current worldly conflicts as recently a Spanish prime minister got punched in the face by an individual and while later being taken to jail being cheered on by the community, this shows there are always two sides of the conflict.The intense gaze that is …show more content…

Joseph as an individual started as a lost, depressed individual with no insight on what is happening in his life which leads to constant flashbacks to his father. The loss of Joseph 's father pointed out the feeling of how many children across this world might feel especially in places where conflict and war are still existent. This story did have a little bit of the plot focused on racism but the idea of being new and unique dominated the

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