The Man To Send Rain Clouds Summary

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The man to send rain clouds

The Man to Send Rain Clouds tells a compelling tale that opens a window into a moment of the modern Pueblo tribe. The story opens with action immediately catching the reader’s attention. It brings the excitement of a cultural clash between the Pueblo tribe’s cultural beliefs and the more common belief of Christianity. The story is told in a very realistic manner taking no time to explain what is happening instead allowing the reader to realize why something is happening will not telling them.
The story has a very fast pace as something is always happening never giving time to lose your attention. For instance the story opens as “They found him under a big cottonwood tree.” Immediately something happens putting that hook into the reader. After describing the area where the grandfather was found Leon and Ken are introduced as Leon begins preparing the body in the Pueblos customs first “ Leon took a piece of string out of his pocket and tied a small gray …show more content…

The introduction of father Paul asking if the grandfather is okay and that the grandfather should not be up alone and Leon replying “No, he won’t do that anymore now.” Introduces a schism between the Pueblo’s beliefs and that of Christianity. This can be seen in the different ways they treat the body for instance as father Paul describes the importance of the last rites as it is important “For a Christian burial it was necessary” whereas the Pueblos would instead prepare the husk and bury it in a blanket. Will later on the holy water is suggested for the grandfather “So he won’t be thirsty.” Showing the incorporation of new beliefs into the Pueblo tribe’s culture. The cultural clash between the pueblo and Christianity gives the story both common ground with the readers as most people have a history with Christianity will showing the evolution of a culture and how it can adapt to the

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