Analysis Of The Film The Black Swan

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The movie “The Black Swan” is a psychological thriller that shows the

unglamorous side of the professional ballet world. It is directed by Darren

Aronofsky and is inspired by Swan Lake, which is a well known famous ballet by

Iiyich Tchaikovosky. In the opera there is a princess who is turned into a white swan

and falls in love with a prince but then she commits suicide because the prince

accidentally fell in love with the black swan. In the movie they decided to put a

modern twist to this tragic love story. They would usually cast two girls to

specifically be the white and black swan but instead decide to cast Nina, played by

Natalie Portman which is rather difficult to play both parts.

The film shows many obvious signs of symbolism with doubles and mirrors

and the camera work portrays Nina’s overall state of mind. The camera is almost as

if it is a handheld. In the opening scene there is a long shot of Nina on center stage

with the backdrop being black and only one spotlight on her. This highlights the

importance of her in the movie as she is the first character the audience sees. The

camera then does a close up on her feet wearing ballet shoes indicating she is

dancer but still showing that she is graceful and elegant as a dancer should be. At

this time the camera does a long shot of a man coming behind Nina with the

spotlight still on Nina, showing her facial expression becoming scared and keeping

the man a mystery. The camera follows both of them as they dance spinning in

circles. After Nina goes through costume change the man leaves leaving Nina

alone in the spotlight. When

her dancing becomes

slower the camera zooms

out from Nina and leaving

her on the stage and

headlining N...

... middle of paper ...

...ts from the stage shadow on the back wall her wings. This is one of the biggest

signs of symbolism

in the film. We now

know that Nina

suffers from a form

of multiple personalities disorder, and her evil side has won her over.

Daren Aronofsky’s film is story of a woman who has no control over her

body and lives and works where perfection needs to be met .The cinematography

supports the ideas and the hand held style puts a better focus and giving us more

Surreal feel. It makes us feel as we our experiencing her life along with her. Along

with the doubles and mirrors shots they show us her sinister side. The Black Swan is

a perfect blend of obsessions and ideas showing Nina’s metamorphosis into a crazed

superstar. The public will always welcome the elites best new star. Because as they

say, the show must go on.

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