Themes In Chris Hedge's In War Gives Us Meaning

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Task #1 In War Gives Us Meaning Author Chris Hedges outlines a few points that give light to the whole book. He outlines three main points. War is part of our culture, we have a myth behind what is actually there and finally, we use war as a crusade. These three main points make up the entree of the whole book. We can see it our everyday culture with things like Call of Duty and Star Wars. We are feed this stuff as kids and we learn from it. He goes on to talk about how we perceive war as a myth. We as the public do not see the true ugliness of it. All we see is what the military and the press wants us to see. Lastly, we see that war as the crusade. When this being feeds to use from a young age we learn how the enemy is. We also get this In a single quote to wrap up the book “When you stop believing, you stop going to war”. This quote is very true when we stop belief in the cause and the myth it will be different. Task #2 In my interviews with two different people, the results were shockingly similar. Both people believed that war benefits our society. Cody went on to state that it will be necessary for future. They also said that it is necessary for the U.S to be a peacekeeping force since we are a major power in the world. It was also stated that if we are the main power of the world and we are supremely on top. In Cody’s family only 2 people have served and in Will 's family, no one had served. Cody had told me that of the two people, one was drafted and the other had volunteered. He didn’t know their opinion on their service since both had already passed away. They both stated that they supported the U.S but they didn’t go out of their way to show support for them. They both did things like singing the national anthem and saying the pledge of allegiance. With the question about the 9-11 and recent terrorist attacks both felt concerned about their own personal safety. They believe that U.S needed to step on its

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