Analysis Of The Fibonacci Sequences

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The sunflower is a beautiful flower that grows wild in the most parts of the United States and many other countries throughout the world. However, when we look at the flower normally we don’t see anything other than a flower. To the mathematician however, there is more, much more. Inside the sunflower flows a sequence. This sequence is known as the Fibonacci sequence. Here we will discuss the Fibonacci sequence going back to the origins, its uses, and where we can find it in the everyday world. First item to discuss is where the Fibonacci sequence came from. The Fibonacci sequence was founded by a math wizard in 1202, named Leonardo Pisano (Edson). He is better known as Fibonacci. Fibonacci discovered a sequence of numbers and published them in a book titled Liber Abaci. The Fibonacci sequence is simply a number system in which the next number of the sequence is equal to the some of the two numbers that precede it. For example the first number of the sequence is 1, therefore 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8… and so on. As you can see the sequence can go on indefinitely. In the book he posed the famous question about rabbits. How many rabbits can be produced in a year from a single pair of rabbits if …show more content…

The center of a sunflower is an example. If you look at the blooms in the middle you can see the spiral that forms representing the Fibonacci sequence. It is also found in pine cones, pineapples, and in many different flowers. But nature is not the only place we can find this mathematical sequence. It is also found in the computer world in the form of search algorithms. In an article by John Atkins and Robert Geist they note that, “Computer scientists have discovered and used many algorithms which can be classified as applications of Fibonacci 's sequence” (Geist). As you can see the famous Fibonacci sequence is used in everyday places that we never really ever think

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