The Theme Of Redemption In Shakespeare's The Kite Runner

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The theme of Redemption is pretty much present throughout the whole in story in The Kite Runner. Amir and Baba both similarly try to redeem themselves for there actions throughout the book. Amir needs to redeem himself because he saw Hassan get raped and did nothing about it. Baba needs to redeem himself because he got Hassan’s mother pregnant with him and always kept it as a big secret. They both also felt so much guilt that they did nothing about it after the fact either. Amir and his family were very rich which made them able of hiring servants where the problem originally stemmed from. Guilt is a major themes in the story also ties very closely to redemption because if it wasn 't for Amir and Baba’s guilt there would be nothing essentially to redeem themselves for. Another theme in the story that is similar to this is the love but very still disagreement and tension between father and son. This theme took place with Baba and Amir, Amir constantly try to win over his fathers heart because he feels he does not like him as much as he could. So Amir tries his best in everything he does so his father loves him and Amir is totally okay and healthy but Hassan is a severe disadvantage because he did not have the money to get it fixed when he was a small boy. This is also symbolic because Baba is his father and he has tons of money but he could not pay for Hassan’s treatment because it would not be socially acceptable.This is because he would have to show off to the world that he is Hassan’s father who is a peasant. A quote that references Hassan’s lip to describe it says, “And the cleft lip, just left of midline, where the Chinese doll maker’s instrument may have slipped, or perhaps he had simply grown tired and careless”(25). This puts Hassan in a place for life that he can essentially never get out of. His lip will never get fixed and he will always be looked down on as a

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