Prejudice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Abigail Duvall
Mrs. Thrush
English 10 Honors
21 September 2015
The Prevalent Prejudice in Society
Prejudice as defined by the Merriam Webster’s Dictionary is, “a feeling of like or dislike for someone or something especially when it is not reasonable or logical.”prejudice is prevalent through many of the characters in the book. Scout, is the book’s narrator and is 7 at the beginning of the book. Her father, Atticus is a lawyer in the town of Maycomb, where the story takes place. Tom Robinson, a black character, is also very important throughout the plot of the book. Tom was accused of raping a white girl, Mayella and was sentenced to a trial which the book centers around. Throughout Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, she implies that prejudice, whether it be social …show more content…

One example is when someone from the lynch mob stated, “‘You know what we want’, another man said. ‘Get aside from the door Mr. Finch’… And it meant somebody’s man would get jumped” (Lee 153,154). Tom The lynch mob was a group of men that came to the jail where Tom was being held the night before the trial. The mob wanted to publicly kill Tom Robinson because he was black and accused of rape. If Atticus would have been persistent and not allowed the mob in to Tom, he could have gotten hurt as well. Thankfully, Scout saved this disaster from occurring by starting a conversation with Mr. Cunningham. This is an example of racial prejudice because the people were being unfair to Tom and Atticus just because of Tom’s skin color and Atticus’ decision to help defend him. Another example of racial prejudice is when Calpurnia states, “It’s because of what folks say Tom’s done’, she said. ‘Folks aren’t anxious to-to have anything to do with any of his family’… ‘Old Mr. Bob Ewell accused him of rapin’ his girl an’ had him arrested an’ put in jail-” (Lee 126). Calpurnia shows prejudice here in the latter half of it. She is staying the

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