Analysis Of Open Door And Memoirs Of A Woman

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The narration above simply provides a vivid explication on how fun school is for Layla. School turns to be a moment where she finds most of her happiness. It does not necessarily mean that she is not happy at home, however, after getting her period, home connotes horror rather than place where one can find peace except for her private room. School offers Layla the freedom of just being herself where she does not feel the confinement at home. It also suggests that she values and treasures education and that she is waiting for achieving higher education, the university life. As personal, Layla strongly opposes the perception that the future of a girl is marriage (82). She is completely aware and believes that education can aids people to understand things and decide what is best for them (77). For Layla and her peers, Sanaa and Adila, education plays an important role. Being educated help women to not easily accept what the world offers them to be including marriage. Layla enthusiastically contends how education changes today’s woman as she says “our mothers were the harem—things possessed by their fathers, who passed them on to husbands. But us?—we don’t have any excuses, and we are the one who have to decide our …show more content…

This is not to say that their lives are ruined completely but they have to work hard to regain their spirit, especially Layla. Comparing both heroines, readers can see that the nameless protagonist in Memoirs of a Woman Doctor is considered more mature than the character of Layla in the Open Door. Different focus of narrating can probably explain this difference. In the Memoirs of a Woman Doctor, el-Saadawi concentrates more on the heroine professional carrier as a woman doctor, how she builds and develops her fame as successful surgeon. Meanwhile, in the Open Door, al-Zayyāt, puts much attention on the Layla’s growth as young

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