Analysis Of Mothers Tongue By Amy Tan

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Amy Tan is an author who was born in 1952 in Oakland, California. Her parents, who emigrated from China, encouraged her to study in a math or science career but she soon had an interest in English instead. From attending San Jose State University, she got her bachelor’s and master’s degrees. She wrote a story called “Mother’s Tongue” which describes the different ways of English forms there is to pursue. Her thesis is a discussion of language and how it can affect her profession in the long run. Her purpose for this story is to show that everyone has their own dialect around certain people. Tan mentions how she learned English and how it changed her. There is a relation between Tan’s writing that has me questioning things because of how I …show more content…

That way people do not take advantage of you and you know your surroundings better. Tan said, “I was ashamed of her English… I had plenty of empirical evidence to support me: the fact that people in department stores, at banks, and at restaurants did not take her seriously, did not give her good service, pretended not to understand her, or even acted as if they did not hear her.” (p.480 para.8) This also shows how people are so discriminate towards others, when they should be trying to help them learn how to say it right if they are not. I can relate to Tan’s quote because there are times I have to help my mom write something for her school or help my dad fill out resumes for work. This is where Tan gives me an idea to relate to her situation of having “limited” …show more content…

Dialect shows a lot from where you come from and allows people to identify your culture. I feel like I can relate a lot to this essay because it just shows you that the language you first spoke and listened to. How to better yourself would be having to get out of your comfort zone to be able to challenge yourself in what you want to achieve. That is what Amy Tan did and learned English because she was interested in it. Whether you do or do not have a second language, most people can relate by simply not knowing a word or just a difficulty explaining something to others is a struggle to people worldwide. For the most part, I enjoyed reading Amy Tan’s story and learning throughout her

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